Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti.
Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue. Morbi purus libero, faucibus adipiscing, commodo quis, gravida id, est. Sed lectus. Praesent elementum hendrerit tortor. Sed semper lorem at felis. Vestibulum volutpat, lacus a ultrices sagittis, mi neque euismod dui, eu pulvinar nunc sapien ornare nisl. Phasellus pede arcu, dapibus eu, fermentum et, dapibus sed, urna.
Whenever a loss occurs, it's important to see it in the context of life experiences in order to understand the full impact of what has happened...
Dr. John E. N. Daniel
The article explores the two metaphorical concepts of inhaling and exhaling in the context of communication.
Dr. John E. N. Daniel
What type of group do you think would be the most challenging to lead and why?
Dr. John E. N. Daniel
John Daniel's Personal Reflections on The Milgram's (1963) Behavioral study of obedience: Its Ethical Implications On Choosing Research Methodologies
Conflict & Crisis management assumes many forms. This article provides readers with clinical approaches to resolution in the educational context
Dr. John E. N. Daniel