Disruptions that Undermine Effective Decision Making

For Couples, Premarital & Marital Therapy

According to Carbonell (2008) my personality graph 2, which outlined the “this is my perspective” (p. 113), revealed a combination of the “I/S/C” personality profiles.

As a decision-maker, visionary, and thinker, I tend to be very analytical, systematic, and logical.

Interestingly, these findings were consistent with the outcomes from my learning style profile assessment (Kolb, 1995). I also tend “to take the friendly and compliant perspective (p. 192). I submit that at the corpus of the decision-making process is developing a methodical and analytical approach to reduce the number of alternatives with which decision-makers are faced. According to Hoy & Miskel (2008), "the incremental model also greatly reduces the number of alternatives" (p. 337) engaged during the decision-making process. Lastly, I believe that couples should first challenge themselves to carefully examine and list the decision-making options available to them. And secondly, should they then, by process of elimination, reduce the potential options based on mutual evaluation of all the relevant pros and cons.

Disruptions that Undermine Effective Conflict Resolution

As it relates to my specific blend, graph 1, which highlights what is expected of me, clearly reveals I am Sanguine since it fell above the “midline.” From an interpersonal perspective, my leadership style is “more laid back and easy going,” however, I am predisposed to “sacrificing and working alongside others” (Carbonell, 2008, p. 32). My personality type affords me strong conflict management and human relation skills. According to Carbonell (2008) “You are probably the least likely of all types to have conflict because you expect people to appreciate your kind, nice, and caring attitude” (p. 33). In term of leadership, I “love inspiring crowds, as well as supporting individuals while mapping the future” (p. 192). Carbonell (2008) succinctly surmises my interpersonal communication skills here, “You are incredibly gifted with your people skills. You can impress a crowd by the way you speak, look, and act” (p. 195). Discovering these salient facts about my personality has helped me over the years to make better informed decisions with my wife as well as my clients.


Carbonell, M. (2008). How to solve the people puzzle: Understanding personality patterns. Blue Ridge: Uniquely You Resources.

Hoy, W. K., & Miskel, C. G. (2008). Educational administration: theory, research, and practice. (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Kolb. D., Rubin, I., & Osland, J. (1995). Organizational behavior: An experimental approach (6th ed.). Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall