In order to develop a theoretical foundation and evidenced-based approach to coaching families, there must first be a conceptualized and discussion of family life coaching.

In this regard coaching individuals, couples and families has long been an informal methodology used in family practice, illustrating the need for family life coaching to be a part of the national conversation of family life and coaching psychology.

In its broadest definition, FLE (family life education) is a process where a professional provides skills and knowledge that helps families function at their optimum level (National Council on Family Relations, 2009). In essence, the professionally trained life coach aims to empower individuals, couples and families their relation building and conflict resolution skills with a view of achieving positive change.

Program Objectives

  • Recognize the characteristics and dynamics that affect life purpose
  • Effectively drive and manage change
  • Collaborate a plan to reduce communication barriers and family dysfunction
  • Develop and improve parenting skills and practices
  • Acquire some basic understanding of human growth and development
  • Develop a framework for avoiding individual decisions traps and improving collective decisions
  • Co-creatively find solutions to many day-to-day life challenges in varying contexts
  • Encourage an environment that derives positive and healthy relationships
  • Apply the principles of respectful communication
  • Taught the complexities of family and individual social contexts
  • Develop the skills necessary to achieve the optimum financial stewardship
  • Improve influence and collaboration negotiation skills
  • Become more aware of one's feelings, thinking, and action responses

Who Should Attend the L.E.A.P.S. Life Coaching Journey?

Life coaching is designed for persons from all walks of life who lack wholesome fulfillment in their daily lives.

These individuals recognize that there is a call to action, but know that they need professional help to move from where they are to where they desire to be.

These persons are seeking a comfortable and safe environment where they are free to discuss their life challenges in a non-threatening environment with someone whom they perceive has the necessary skills, knowledge, competencies, and character to partner with them in discovering their hidden gifts, talents, and abilities. These individuals are willing to be held accountable as they purposefully strive to achieve individual purpose and destiny.

Program Outline

The L.E.A.P.S. Life Coaching Journey Value Proposition

This L.E.A.P.S Life Coaching journey is was developed to help clients and participants build more productive and purposeful lives.

Individuals are encouraged to take ownership for change in their personal lives and to be held accountable as they do so. The L.E.A.P.S. model to Life Coaching embraces both coaching and positive psychology. At its corpus, authentic life coaching adheres to certain principles, which include but are not limited to, the facilitation of experiential learning, the improvement of personal functioning and performance, and the employment of a goal-oriented approach.

These principles are adhered to in the L.E.A.P.S. model. In addition, there are some underlying assumptions namely: that people have an innate capacity to grow and develop, a focus on mutually agreed upon goals and an understanding that the relationship is relatively equal and collaborative (Whitworth, Kimsey-House, & Sandahl, 1998). Coaching is not psychotherapy, although coaching and psychotherapy may occasionally look similar to the uninitiated. In fact, "coaching clients are traditionally high-functioning individuals and relatively free of psychopathology (Biswas-Diener, 2009).

The Lesson Plan

  • Session 1: What Leads To the Purpose-Driven Life?

    60 Minute Session
    - Whose vision do you have?
    - With every vision, there must be a mission
    - What about the core values that dictate your life?
    - How do they all gel?

  • Session 4: Individuals and Families in Diverse Social Contexts

    75 Minute Session
    - Where is your backpack?
    - Is your glass half-empty or half-full?
    - Our worldviews are shaped from our entire internal ad external life
    - Cultural diversity in the family context

  • Session 7: Discover Individual Strengths and Personal Identity

    90 Minute Session
    - Discovering the gifts within you
    - Understanding the full concept of soul care
    - Multiplication of your strengths brings added value to your personal identity
    - Identifying your individual love styleThe personal identity crisis and low self-esteem
    - Removing toxicity from relationship through self-confidence and assurance
    - Achieving relationship synergy through complementation

  • Session 2: Moving Towards Healthier Individual and Family Relationships

    60 Minute Session
    - Bring resolution to unresolved issues and unhealed hurts.
    - Remove Developing a strategy to your toxic waste
    - Healthy conversations lead are the foundation of healthy relationships
    - Remember communication is a two-way process

  • Session 5: Team Building, Unity and Conflict Resolution

    75 Minute Session
    - Creating change through familial well-being
    - Building the family unit through internal and external collaborative partnerships
    - Re-defining the leadership roles in the home through an unbiased gender perspective
    - Submission not subordination
    - Why don't we just learn to listen better?

  • Session 8: Critical Thinking and Consensus Decision Making

    90 Minute Session
    - Let us meet in the Boardroom
    - What is the importance of group process dynamics?
    - Pitfalls and benefits of team decision making as compared to individual decision making
    - Elements of team processes for making decisions: group and interpersonal
    - Developing a framework for avoiding individual decision traps and improving team decisions
    - Agree on your core values and your central vision
    - Consensus does not mean that everyone agrees

  • Session 3: Individual and Family Goal-setting and Accountability

    Minute Session
    - Strife and Di-vision lead to division
    - How can two walk together less their agree
    - Touching and agreement optimizes and to the goal-setting process
    - Always remember two heads are better than one

  • Session 6: Individual and Family Resource Management and Stewardship

    75 Minute Session
    - Building family equity through financial partnership and sound stewardship
    - Using strategy to promote hope, happiness, and health
    - Effective resource management through budget planning
    - Creatively and methodically use what is in your hand
    - Are there holes in your pocket?
    - Being a good steward of both the tangibles and the intangibles

  • Session 9: Victorious Living

    90 Minute Session
    - Have you put any relationship seeds in the ground?
    - Is your relationship bringing forth good fruit?
    - Discover the benefits of forgiveness, fellowship, fun and family
    - Looking back to see the future
    - It all a matter of perspective
    - Therapeutically linking all the dots together
    - You have travelled through your dark tunnel and found the light

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